A scrapbook from Bedfordshire
and further afield.
All Images Copyright Robin Edwards.
Follower of the Bird Photographers Code of Conduct - click images to enlarge
Monday, October 22, 2007
Florida - Joe Overstreet Landing
The journey home was diverted towards St Cloud and LakeKissimmee where we found the Joe Overstreet Road referred to in my birding guide for Florida.American Kestrels greeted us on almost every pylon and a field had over a hundred Cattle Egret feeding together.Palm Warblers were seemingly everywhere and soon became very matter-of-fact.Other birds along the roadside were Sandhill Crane, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher, Eastern Meadowlark,Eastern Phoebe, Savannah Sparrows and the regular flyover Bald Eagles.At the lake side I found my first American Coot and a second Snail Kite, this time a fine male which was feeding along the lake’s edge and was watched unpicking the apple snails from their shells.The onward journey rewarded me with two Crested Caracara by the roadside. One sat on the fence having been feeding on White-tailed Deer road kill. They both gave excellent close views from the car and some nice photographs of a distinct bird were gladly taken.
Bird watcher since I can remember but birding since 1997. Earliest memories of watching nesting birds around Ickleford Common with my Grandfather during the 1960s.
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